​     Popular beliefs are aplenty in this land, many based on scant evidence, precluding some from ever probing the Bible in any depth. Scholars, including scientific, haven’t taken the time to read it even once. The Bible isn’t the most popular book of all time by accident; that alone is enough to check it out. To dismiss it out of hand is illogical if not unscholarly. I encourage anyone to challenge my findings and prove me wrong the Holy Bible is nothing but God-spoken (Logos). Like Martin Luther said, “Here I stand, I can do no other.” I’ve done my share of scientific research and methodological investigations, performing experimental design and statistical analysis in the areas of national defense, academia, and social, behavioral, and clinical psychology. I’ve employed the scientific method in my career studies and in studying the Bible. I conclude that the Bible provides truth, and its significance exceeds any other produced through decades of research. In the scientific furrows of my mind, I have removed any shadow of doubt the Holy Bible is infallible. The likelihood of it being random chance, unguided processes, physical, material, or coincidental is incalculably small (like computing pi to an ultimate conclusion). One could say we have mathematical proof the Holy Bible is accurate, and science supports this proposition.
     Allow me to present results from my scientific examination of the Holy Bible. Firstly, one might wonder what qualifies me to be an authority on the Bible since my doctorate was in psychology not divinity. It is true, I never attended a seminary. But I am piled higher and deeper in advanced biblical studies through the calling of the Holy Spirit, who likewise calls you to become engrossed in His Word. I have been studying the Bible and worshipping regularly in church since I was a toddler. After I received my PhD over thirty years ago, I turned exclusively to the Holy Bible to continue my education. As a first-year student in God’s university, the head schoolmaster instructed me to read the Bible all over again from cover to cover; the second year He told me to read it twice, and the third year thrice. After three years and six consecutive journeys through God’s Word it started to come together like a jigsaw puzzle. I just keep reading it as God commanded, while my wisdom and understanding grew. I dove into the Bible over and over, forwards, backwards, and in sections, looking up every verse that had a single word such as love, faith, hope, grace, and mercy, and probing the Bible from diverse points of view and theological frameworks. I divided it and scrutinized it, every doctrine and promise. Never did I find any conflict with known truth, neither did I find inconsistencies, nor had it changed over millennia. It was evident that the Bible demonstrated internal consistency and consistency over time, two measures of reliability a pillar of scientific study.
     Another pillar of scientific study is validity. I discovered that the Old Testament (OT) and New Testament (NT) cross-validate each other. For example, hundreds of prophecies from the OT became fulfilled in the NT. Similarly, hundreds of OT scriptures were quoted by NT prophets, apostles, and Christ. I have researched numerous external sources and historical accounts from diverse cultures corroborating the Bible, particularly with regards to Jesus Christ and the resurrection. This is backed by the panoply of archaeological findings which continue to surface, further confirming biblical people, places, and times. Additionally, the voluminous manuscript evidence exceeds any found for another work of antiquity, and is traceable to the very times and places in which they were first recorded. Typically, antiquated literature postdates the people and places by hundreds if not thousands of years; the Bible is unique having manuscript evidence dating back to its origin. From early church fathers to present-day preachers, the Bible has not changed in content, meaning, or function. Additionally, the original concepts, teachings, and historicity of the Bible remain applicable today. The Bible also can be demonstrated to exhibit factual agreement with cosmology, geography, medicine, and science in general. Thus, we have internal and external content validity, unmatched predictive validity, and construct validity that the Bible is absolutely genuine and Christ is the Way to heaven.
     A third important element of biblical study is the hermeneutic quality of arrangements of passages, enabling the recognition of the historical and cultural relevance of associated times, peoples, places, and events, and personalities of protagonists, antagonists, and witnesses. Each of these categories can be broken down into specifics, which are verifiable by researching the archives of archaeology, history, physical science, religion, politics, and government. This I have written about in detail, the overwhelming evidence and the hermeneutic applicability of the Bible (Barber 2020; Barber 2016). Compilations of seemingly diverse facts, from various sources starting with the Holy Bible, are incredibly cohesive. Could it be computed, the chances of that many unlikely coincidences coming together to form one complete picture unveiling God’s purpose, promise, and plan? It would be a challenge just to enumerate the vast number of intricately interrelated factors coming together to verify God’s Word, much less their interactions and variabilities. Then there is the unmatchable accuracy of prophecy cross-validating both testaments to the Holy Bible, its ability to foretell the future, verification from secular sources, and internal consistency from Genesis to Revelation. Plus, we have a plethora of authenticated manuscripts going back two thousand years.
     Consider the statistical probability of the correctness, detail, and fulfillment of OT and NT prophecies; how they came true, are coming true, and will continue to come true until Judgment Day. Then there is the likelihood of the differing testimonials gelling together into one interconnected and unified framework. The Bible contains testimony from hundreds of eye witnesses and primary sources, and from forty-some-odd writers living at different times and places all telling the exact same story. Yet still the Bible has never changed in meaning just as God never changes. There is only one interpretation and conclusion to be derived:  God is real and He is the author of the Holy Bible, so it follows that He is the author of this universe and you and me as well. Over years of conducting scientific research, I have never encountered a more precise and accurate finding. In scientific terms, there is an infinitesimally small probability that the Bible is a fraud and there is a statistically significant likelihood the Bible is exactly what it says it is: God’s Word written by men directed by the Holy Spirit.
     How much more does an intelligent person need in order to believe? But there are intelligent people who do not believe simply because they choose not to, without reason or excuse. Which kind of intelligent person are you: One who reads God’s Word with an open mind, or closes his or her mind to God? If you want a great example of the former, take a look at Isaac Newton arguably the father of classical physics, whose motivation to explore and explain the universe was driven by his love for God and His Word. I wouldn’t place myself in the same league as he, but I was driven to delve into God’s book of man and His book of nature for the same reasons. I assure you, science and philosophy are not contradictory, and neither is truth which can be found in both books written by the hand of God.

--- Andrew V. Barber, PhD (updated 07/07/2020)


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